ঢাকাশনিবার, ৮ই মার্চ, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ

Committe of DUSAB announced in DU

Campus Correspondent
জানুয়ারি ২৭, ২০২৪ ৪:৪৩ অপরাহ্ণ
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The new committee of DUSAB (Dhaka University Student Association) made up of Banshkhali Upazila students studying in Dhaka University has been announced.

The committee has been officially announced on a pad signed by the former president-general secretary, with Banskhali Sheelkup Union’s law student Nirnoy Dey as the president and Puichhari union’s finance student Abul Hasan Sayeedi as the general secretary. A total of 23 members including seniors and juniors have been placed in the said committee.

Arafat Ridwan, Shahadatul Islam, Dilo Ara Akhtar Bhavna were elected as Vice-President, Zia Muhammad, Mohammad Arkanul Islam Rupak, Abdullah Al Noman was elected as Joint General Secretary, Muntasir Hosain, Masum Abdullah, Amirul Islam, Abdus Sobhan were elected as Organizing Secretary, Hasanul Banna was elected office secretary, Ismail Hosain was elected deputy office secretary, Azizul Haque was elected as publicity secretary, Md Minhaj was elected as deputy publicity secretary, Mohammad Toha was elected as sports secretary. Rakibul Islam was elected as deputy sports secretary and Md Farhad, Mohammad Yusuf, Sairatun Noor Rasna were elected as members.

The main objective of the organization is to unify the Banshkhali upazila students studying in Dhaka University, to strengthen their positions with equal efforts in adverse environment and to play a supportive role in the dangerous environment of the students. The organization has been running since 2013 with this objective in mind. While the upazila-based organization was roaming around Dhaka University, Banshkhali’s student community suffered from lack of organization even though it was a relatively large majority. Realizing the eagerness of the students, Riazuddin Ahmed Sumon, Vice-President, Bangladesh Central Chhatra League, with the direct cooperation of Mohiuddin Chowdhury and Zaker Hossain, took up the role of organizing the organization. The chariot of the organization which started its journey with the direct contribution of these three people, is still being carried by the student society of Banshkhali studying in Dhaka University through various student-friendly activities.

Among the achievements of the organization so far, it is notable that the organization has provided monthly scholarships to 25+ students. The admission organization of 21 students who could not get admission in Dhaka University despite having the opportunity to get admission due to financial hardship has paved the way for the future dreams of these students by completing the admission organization on their own responsibility. He has also written anecdotes for students on short-scale trips to various historical places including Chandpur Launch Trip, Cox’s Bazar Day Long Bus Trip, Sylhet Combo Trip. Annual freshmen and evening functions, Eid reunions and various festivity functions were casual affairs for the students of the organization.

Although the organization’s record of accomplishments is relatively high, considering the opportunity gap and the far-reaching spirit of the organization, the current committee will be a leader in implementing various educational projects that will help build a different and smarter Bangladesh. The present committee expressed its commitment to build a website for the students, annual magazine, various awareness seminars for the poor people, rally against non-conformity and implementation of various projects considering utility.