ঢাকামঙ্গলবার, ৪ঠা মার্চ, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ

Satan is deceived by the glitter of the world

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জুলাই ২৮, ২০২২ ৫:৫৬ অপরাহ্ণ
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The world is a temporary abode. Shaytan beautifies the world in different ways and attracts people towards the different glitters of the world. Satan has destroyed the nation of Ad and Thamud by putting it in the luster. Allah says, ‘I have destroyed Ad and Thamud. You have come to know their condition from their homes. Satan beautified their deeds in their sight, then prevented them from taking oaths, and they were wary.’ (Surah: Ankabut, verse: 38)The inhabitants of Saba town were made shirk by Satan. For example, Hudhud Pakhi said, ‘I saw her (Queen Bilqis) and her people prostrate to the sun instead of Allah. Satan has embellished their deeds in their eyes. Then he forbade them from the right path. Therefore they do not take the oath.’ (Surah: Namal, verse: 24)
Throughout the ages Satan has attracted people to the beauty and glitter of the world and indulged in various sins. Allah says, ‘By Allah! I sent messengers to different communities before you [the Messenger (PBUH)], then Satan made their actions beautiful. Today He is their Guardian and for them is a painful punishment.’ (Surah: Nahl, verse: 63)

And Satan came to Allah promising to lead people astray in the glitter of the world. It is reported, ‘He said, O my Lord! As you have led me astray, I will attract them all to the earth with various beauties and lead them all astray. But except your devoted servants.’ (Surah: Hijr, Verses: 39-40)
May Allah Almighty protect us from Satan’s deception