ঢাকাসোমবার, ২১শে অক্টোবর, ২০২৪ খ্রিস্টাব্দ

Prayer is the solution to Every problems

Staff Reporter | ctgpost
জুলাই ২২, ২০২২ ১২:৫৭ পূর্বাহ্ণ
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There are good times and bad times in human life. Life is about happiness and sadness, stability and crisis. People become restless in times of crisis. Many times many wrong decisions are made. But if you patiently ask God for help with trust in Almighty God, it becomes easy to get rid of it. Even if you pray to Allah on the strength of good deeds of the past days with strong faith, many problems are solved.
It is mentioned in the Hadith Sharif, on the authority of Ibn Umar (RA), the Prophet (PBUH) said, once three people were walking. When it started raining heavily, they entered a mountain cave. Suddenly a stone rolled down and closed the mouth of their cave. One of them said to the other, among the good deeds you have done, supplicate to Allah. One of them said, Allah! My parents were very old, I used to go out (every morning) to graze the sheep. Then I would come back and milk and bring this milk to my parents and they would drink it. Then I would let the children, family and wife drink. One night I got stuck. Then when I came they were both asleep. She said, I didn’t like to wake them up. And then the children were screaming (with hunger) at my feet. In this situation, dawn broke for me and my parents. Ya Allah! If you know that I did it only to please you, then open the mouth of our cave so that we can see the sky. The narrator said, then it became a little blank. Another said, Ya Allah! You know I loved one of my cousins ​​so much that a man loves a woman. He said, “You will be mine. He will not be able to fulfill his desire until he gives me one hundred dinars.” I try to collect it. Then when I pray between his steps, he says ‘Fear Allah.’ The seal of the sealed object shall not be broken without lawful authority. I left him and got up. (O Allah) If You know that I have done it to please You, then leave us a little more space. Then two-thirds of them (the mouth of the cave) became open. The other said, O Allah! you know that I hired a laborer in exchange for a farak (quantity) of grain. When I went to give it to him, he refused to accept it. Then I cultivate it with different grains and produce crops and buy cows with it and hire shepherds. After some time, the laborer came and said, O servant of God! give me my due I said, take these cows and shepherds. He said, are you kidding me? I said, I am not mocking you but these are yours. O Allah! If you know that I have done it for your pleasure, then open (the mouth of the cave) from us. Then the mouth of the cave opened from them. (Bukhari, Hadith: 2215) Are you kidding me? I said, I am not mocking you but these are yours. O Allah! If thou knowest that I have done it for thy pleasure, then open (the mouth of the cave) from us. Then the mouth of the cave opened from them. (Bukhari, Hadith: 2215) Are you kidding me? I said, I am not mocking you but these are yours. O Allah! If you know that I have done it for your pleasure, then open (the mouth of the cave) from us. Then the mouth of the cave opened from them. (Bukhari, Hadith: 2215)
Subhanallah! Now it is said, we have to see if we have any good deeds to stand before Allah as Asila or not. And we have to see how much sincerity was there in that period. So we should do good deeds in the days of happiness in such a way that by their help we get the help of Almighty Allah even in the days of crisis. May God bless everyone.