ঢাকাসোমবার, ২৪শে ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ

CECs will get a salary of 1 lakh 5 thousand, ECs 95 thousand

National desk | ctgpost
মে ২০, ২০২৪ ৯:০৪ অপরাহ্ণ
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The chief election commissioner will get a salary of Tk 1 lakh 5 thousand and other election commissioners will get Tk 95 thousand. A draft of a new law has been given final approval. This approval was given in the Cabinet meeting held on Monday under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister.


The name of the Act is the Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners (Remuneration and Privileges) Act, 2024. After the Cabinet meeting, Secretary Mahbub Hossain said that the draft law was released on April 17 this year. Policy approval was then given. Final approval today.


The salaries and allowances currently received by the Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners were under the 1983 Act. It is called ‘The Chief Election Commissioner and Commissioners (Remuneration and Privileges) Ordinance-1983’.


The secretary said that the law has been made in the light of the directives to change all the laws that existed during the military regime in view of the directives of our high court.


Basically, the Act fixes the salaries and allowances of the Chief Election Commissioner and other commissioners. The previous law has basically been followed. That is, the Chief Election Commissioner will get the same salary and allowances as the Judge of the Appellate Division and the Election Commissioner will get the same salary and allowances as the Judge of the High Court Division.


‘Here it is specified without writing like that. It has been said that the Chief Election Commissioner will get a monthly salary of one lakh five thousand rupees. And the election commissioner will get 95 thousand taka. As special allowance they will both get 50 percent of their basic salary. They will get Festival Allowance, Bangla New Year Allowance, Housing Allowance, Vehicle Allowance, Telephone Allowance, Cook Allowance, Security Allowance. Niamat will get an allowance of eight thousand rupees. Medical facilities will remain as before.


Only the language of the Act has been changed from English to Bengali.


When asked whether their rank is correct, he said that there has been no change. It is in the original law. Judges of the Appellate Division also get a salary of one lakh five thousand rupees. Salary remains the same.