ঢাকাসোমবার, ২৪শে ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ

Cyclone ‘Remal’ approaching

Newsdesk । Ctgpost
মে ১৫, ২০২৪ ১:৩৩ অপরাহ্ণ
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Cyclone Aila hit the Sundarbans on May 25, 2009. After 15 years, there is a danger of a cyclone at the end of this May, said the Indian Meteorological Department. According to them, cyclone ‘Remal’ is forming in the Bay of Bengal. It may hit the coast of West Bengal and Bangladesh by the end of May.

According to the Indian Meteorological Department forecast, two depressions are likely to form in the Bay of Bengal in May. A cyclone may form in South Bay of Bengal on May 20. After that, it will gradually turn northwards and increase in strength to become a cyclonic storm on May 24.

The Indian Meteorological Office has said that this cyclone may hit the coast of West Bengal and Bangladesh after the evening of May 25.

However, it is not yet clear how fast the storm will be, or how much damage it will cause.

Cyclone ‘Remal’ formed in Bay of Bengal has been named by Oman. In Arabic it means sand. However, there is also a city with this name 1.7 km away from Gaza.

According to a report of Hindustan Times, the course of this possible cyclone can be clear from May 20. But where and at what speed this cyclone can hit, it cannot be said right now. It is expected to land somewhere in West Bengal or Bangladesh.

The report also said that due to this cyclone, rain may start in coastal areas from the night of May 24. Rain may continue till May 26.