ঢাকাসোমবার, ২৪শে ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ

Policemen will get discounts at hotels and restaurants in Dhaka.

মে ১৪, ২০২৪ ৪:৩৭ অপরাহ্ণ
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Policemen will get special discounts on staying and eating at various hotels under the jurisdiction of Dhaka Tourist Police. On April 26, Superintendent of Police (SP) of Dhaka Region of Tourist Police Naimul Haque sent a letter regarding this to the headquarters (Tourist Police).

The content of the letter is written, “Regarding receipt of discount offers (proposals) from various hotel-resorts, restaurants and tour operators for Bangladesh policemen.” The letter lists 26 hotels and restaurants. This includes 12 hotels and restaurants and 14 restaurants. Police personnel can stay at the hotel at a minimum 50 percent discount. And you will get 20 percent discount on eating at the restaurant.

In this regard, Tourist Police Dhaka Region SP Naimul Haque told a media that policemen from different regions have to come to Dhaka for various reasons and stay at night. The allowance given to them by the government is very less than what is required. Therefore, if there is an agreement with the hotel and restaurant, it can be seen that they get the opportunity to stay and eat at a little lower cost. It benefits the policemen.