ঢাকাশনিবার, ৮ই মার্চ, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ

Money and factory took over by the director of Al-Arafah Bank

Newsdesk । Ctgpost
জানুয়ারি ২৮, ২০২৪ ৫:০২ অপরাহ্ণ
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Director of Al-Arafah Islami Bank, Md Rafiqul Islam, embezzled 36 lakh Tk from a businessman and took over the factory in Boalkhali, Chittagong. Recently an investigation report of CID proved the truth of this incident.

The victim businessman Md Jahedul Haque is the founder of Sky Vision Fiber Industry of Boalkhali. Based on his complaint, CID Chittagong Metro and District Sub-Inspector of Police Md. Abdul Karim published the investigation report. All sensational information comes out in this report. Even during the investigation Rafiqul Islam has been accused of obstructing the investigation of his terrorist forces.

Plaintiff Md. Jahedul Haque alleges that the defendant Md. Rafiqul Islam is running the business alone, ignoring the business associates and illegally withdrawing money from the business along with selling the business goods and embezzling Tk. thirty-six lakhs seventy-four thousand three hundred and fifty. He was also threatened with death for protesting.

In the investigation, it is known that Md Jahedul Haque, SM Ali Ullah and some others established Sky Vision Fiber Industry together. The company was quite profitable in the beginning, but the business went to the point of closure when there was stagnation in the country during the Corona period. At that time, Md. Rafiqul Islam offered to become a partner of the organization by promising financial support. After becoming a partner, Rafiqul Islam got signatures on blank stamps from the owners of the organization and took sole control of the organization’s bank account.

Later, when his corruption and irregularities were caught, he filed a case of 90 lakh rupees against the original owners using that stamp. Besides, although the trade license of the organization was initially in the name of 3 people, Rafiqul Islam later made a single trade license and took full control of the organization and expelled the original owners. It is known that for protesting against these irregularities, the plaintiff is being constantly harassed with lawsuits and threats.

The investigation report has been submitted to the court for the purpose of trial as appropriate evidence was found against the defendant Md. Rafiqul Islam. According to the investigation report, Md. Jahedul Haque and witness S. M Oli Ullah has been forcibly evicted from his hard-earned Sky Vision Fiber Industry. Not only this, there is a possibility of causing major damage at any time, including killing them.

When asked, Ali Ullah, a partner of the company and a witness in the case, told Khabar Bangla that we needed investment in business management. Because of that we made Rafiqul Islam the owner of 50 percent of the company. According to the agreement, he bought 50 percent shares of the company in exchange of 25 lakh rupees. From the beginning, Rafiqul Islam took the sole power of managing the bank account of the business. But it is seen that a lot of money in the business is being withdrawn without the permission of the partners. The problem starts from protesting it.

He said that the plaintiff and the witness were threatened several times for protesting the withdrawal of money. Despite several attempts to mediate, the defendant continued to resort to various nefarious means, including death threats, to drive us out of business. Rafiqul Islam embezzled more than 40 lakh rupees including our capital and dividends from the sale of goods.