ঢাকাসোমবার, ২৪শে ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ

The young man, who raised his weapon and shot, was arrested in Bayezid.

Newsdesk । Ctgpost
জানুয়ারি ২২, ২০২৪ ১:২৭ অপরাহ্ণ
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The police have arrested the young man who openly opened fire in Bayezid’s Hillview residential area of Chittagong.

The name of the young man is Mohammad Zahid (22). Besides, another youth named Golap (32) was arrested on suspicion of involvement.

Bayezid Police Station Officer-in-Charge (OC) Sanjay Kumar Sinha confirmed that he was arrested at 11:30 pm on Saturday (January 20).

OC Sanjay Kumar Sinha said Zahid, the gunman who had openly fired blanks while dominating the Hillview residential area, was arrested from Mohammadnagar area. Later another accused named Golap was arrested in this incident.

Evidence has been found of Rose’s involvement in the incident. So far, 19 people have been arrested in the Hillview incident, said the OC.

On January 12, local terrorists held a weapons exercise focusing on the expansion of dominance in the Hillview area. At that time, when he stopped them, the terrorists hit a local man named Abdullah Al Mahmud with a mortar. Meanwhile, they vandalized various shops.

Later, the video of this incident spread in various media and social media. The police arrested 17 people on Sunday (January 14). A toy pistol and 10 sharp weapons (kirich) were recovered from them.