ঢাকামঙ্গলবার, ২৫শে ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ

To increase security in garment factories, 44 BGB platoons were sent in.

Newsdesk । Ctgpost
নভেম্বর ৯, ২০২৩ ১২:২৫ অপরাহ্ণ
Link Copied!

A total of 44 Border Guard Bangladesh platoons have been deployed in Dhaka and adjacent areas to beef up security in garment factories.

BGB troops have been deployed in Ashulia, Savar, Mirpur, Gazipur and other parts of the country, said, Shariful Islam, public relations officer at BGB headquarters.

Garment factory workers in Dhaka and nearby areas returned to work on Sunday after 12 days of unrest for a minimum wage of Tk 23,000.

The government on Tuesday announced Tk 12,500 as minimum salary for entry-level ready-made garment factory workers, raising it by 56.25 per cent from the current wage