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SpaceX recruits a 14-year-old American-Bangladeshi Quazi Kairan

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Elon Musk’s rocket and spacecraft manufacturing company SpaceX has hired 14-year-old Bangladeshi-American Kairan Quazi as a software engineer, reports Los Angeles Times.

He is slated to join the space company soon after completing his graduation from Santa Clara University School of Engineering.

“I think my college years have been the happiest years of my life, because I had a lot of autonomy, really, to share my journey,” Kairan said in an interview Friday (9 June) from his bedroom in Pleasanton, California.

The teenager expressed excitement about joining SpaceX’s Starlink team, which is responsible for the company’s satellite internet service. That’s quite the accomplishment, especially for someone so young who has already done so much.

He traces part of his lineage from Moulvibazar in Sylhet.

He expressed his desire in an interview about wanting to learn the language Bangla.

At the age of two, Kairan was already using full sentences. In kindergarten, he impressed his teachers and fellow pupils with his knowledge of current events by sharing National Public Radio reports he had heard.

At the age of nine, he began to feel that his education wasn’t stretching him. His paediatrician, as well as his parents and his teacher, all thought he was ready for higher-level studies.
His parents had a hard time getting him into a college, but eventually he was able to attend Las Positas College in Livermore, California.

The youngster skipped third grade and went straight to a community college where the course load made sense to him.

“I felt like I was learning at the level that I was meant to learn,” said Kairan, who later transferred to Santa Clara University.

In his downtime, Kairan enjoys playing video games, like the historical fiction series “Assassin’s Creed,” and reading the sci-fi short stories of Philip K Dick and the work of journalist Michael Lewis, who wrote about the 2008 financial crisis that triggered the housing bubble, adds the Los Angeles Times report.

He relishes telling stories about his life, because his journey has been filled with moments of trying to convince authority figures of his intellect and character.