The High Court on Tuesday cautioned the officials of the Directorate General of Health Services, stating that the power was for serving the people of the country and not for misusing it.
A bench of Justice KM Kamrul Kader and Showkat Ali Chowdhury made the observation as the Directorate sought fresh time to recruit more physicians to the 16 remaining vacant posts in the jails.
The court gave the Directorate one month time to implement the directive of the court.
The court said that the poor people were detained in jails.
The court said that rich people who were in the jails were enjoying division facilities.
‘So protect the lives of poor people in the jails by appointing doctors immediately,’ the court observed.
The court then reminded the Directorate that power was to serve people and not to misuse it.
The directorate told the court that it had deputed 125 physicians against 141 approved posts.
The court asked the Directorate to appoint more doctors without buying time in the name of exchanging letters.
The jail authorities informed the court that they were pushing the Directorate to fill up the vacancies of the doctors.