ঢাকাবৃহস্পতিবার, ১৩ই মার্চ, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ

The population of the nation is over 170 million.

Newsdesk । Ctgpost
এপ্রিল ১০, ২০২৩ ১২:০৭ পূর্বাহ্ণ
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The country’s total population stood at 169,828,911, according to the adjusted population in light of the PEC report of the sixth Population and Housing Census, 2022.

Considering the 2.75 per cent Net Coverage Error (NCE), some 4,670,295 people have been added to the initially enumerated population and thus the total number of population stood at 169,828,911.

Out of the total population, some 68.34 per cent or 116,066,925 people live in the rural areas while 31.66 per cent or 53,761,986 people live in the urban areas.

The adjusted population figure in light of the PEC survey of the Census was published Sunday at a function held at the NEC Conference Room in the city’s Sher-e-Bangla Nagar area.

Planning minister MA Mannan spoke on the occasion as the chief guest while state minister for Planning Shamsul Alam spoke as special guest.

Statistics and Informatics division secretary Shahnaz Arefin, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS) director general Binayek Sen and Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) director general Md Matiar Rahman spoke on the occasion while Population and Housing Census project director Md Dilder Hossain made a power-point presentation.

Considering the adjusted division-wise population, it was found that Dhaka Division hosts the highest number of 45,643,915 population which is also 26.88 per cent of the total adjusted population. On the other hand, Barishal Division hosts the minimum number of 9,325,818 population which is also 5.49 per cent of the total adjusted population.

Besides, out of the total adjusted population, some 20.13 per cent or 34,178,581 people live in Chattogram division, some 10.49 per cent or 17,813,957 people live in Khulna division, some 7.44 per cent or 12,637,524 people live in Mymensingh division, some 12.24 per cent or 20,794,023 people live in Rajshahi division, some 10.61 per cent or 18,020,073 people live in Rangpur division and 6.72 per cent or 11,415,021 people live in Sylhet division.

If the total enumerated and adjusted population is adjusted by sex, then it was found that some 49.51 per cent or 84,077,203 people are male while 50.43 per cent or 85,653,120 people are female. Besides, there is 0.01 per cent, 12,629, Hijra people in the country.

Considering the total enumerated and adjusted population by religion, it was found that some 91 percent or 154,542,078 people are Muslims while some 8.95 per cent or 15,200,876 people are non-Muslims.

Analyzing the total enumerated and adjusted population by age group, it was shown that the highest number of 10.10 per cent population belongs to the 15-19 age group followed by 9.92 per cent people to 10-14 years age group, 9.58 per cent people to 0-4 age group, 9.31 per cent people to 5-9 age group, 9.17 per cent people to 20-24 years age group and 8.69 per cent people to 25-29 years age group.

Earlier on October 10-16, 2022 the post enumeration check (PEC) survey on the Census was conducted by BIDS in some 378 sample areas and in some 39,003 households.

The PEC report was published on February 6 this year where the net coverage error was found at 2.75 per cent which is the lowest in the Census history of Bangladesh.

Speaking on the occasion, planning minister MA Mannan said that from now on, 169,828,921 would be the official figure of the last population Census.

He also opined for not holding the population census in every 10 years, rather to convert the total Census operation in a real-time manner to save time and cost.

State minister for planning Shamsul Alam said that there is no doubt about the capacity of BBS as its capacity and skills have increased over the years while the Bureau has been discharging its duties as a team despite various limitations.

Noting that some 56.77 per cent of the total adjusted population are aged between 0-29 years, Alam said that the figure is really encouraging showing the strength of youth force as well as indicating that Bangladesh is moving towards the right direction.