ঢাকাবুধবার, ২৬শে ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ

Due to the risk in the exploding buildings, rescue operations have been temporarily paused.

News desk I Ctgpost
মার্চ ৭, ২০২৩ ১১:৪২ অপরাহ্ণ
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A fatal explosion rocked a five-story building on the south side of the BRTC counter in Gulistan, the capital of Bangladesh. As of now, 17 people have died and it is expected that the death toll will rise. The identities of the deceased are yet to be ascertained.

The rescue work has been suspended for more than half an hour due to the risk.

Director General of Fire Service Brigadier General, Sajjad Hossain confirmed this information and said that the fire service workers could not enter the basement due to the collapse of the column.

22 people were rescued from that building. The bodies of 10 people have been recovered. And the remaining 12 people were rescued in injured condition.

It is said that people are still trapped inside the building. Army assistance has been sought to rescue them.

According to the latest reports, 17 persons have been killed in the blast so far.