ঢাকাবুধবার, ২৬শে ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ

Holy Shab-e-Meraj today

Newsdesk I Ctgpost
ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৮, ২০২৩ ১১:৪৫ অপরাহ্ণ
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The Holy Shab-e-Meraj will be observed today, Saturday (February 18) at the night with religious fervor. The devout Muslims of Bangladesh will celebrate Shab-e-Meraj on Saturday night with due religious dignity and solemnity.

The Persian word “Shab” translates to “night,” while “Meraj” in Arabic means “upward movement.” Muslims around the world observe the 26th night of the month of Rajab as a momentous occasion to honor the remarkable and historic events of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), the Prophet of Islam. This day is celebrated as a tribute to the miraculous events that occurred, which hold great significance to the Muslim faith.

Every year, on the night of Rajab 26, Muslims observe Holy Shab-e-Meraj when Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) embarked on a special journey to meet the Almighty Allah.

As this night is especially prestigious, Muslim devotees will offer special prayers at mosques and homes seeking blessings of Allah for the welfare of the entire nation and the Muslim Ummah.