ঢাকারবিবার, ২৩শে ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ

Remittances increased: $167 crore in the first 27 days of January.

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জানুয়ারি ৩০, ২০২৩ ১:০৭ অপরাহ্ণ
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During the ongoing acute dollar crisis in the country, there has been modest improvement in remittances. During the first 27 days of this year’s January, expats sent the country 167 crore (1.67 billion) US dollars, which is equivalent to around 18,000 crore taka (107 taka per dollar) in local currency. This is known from the latest published information from Bangladesh Bank.

According to data from the Bangladesh Bank, expats sent the most dollars via private commercial banks, amounting to a remittance of 140 crore 52 lakh dollars. On the other hand, 22 crore 6 lakh dollars came through government banks, 3 crore 89 lakh dollars came through specialised banks, and 5 crore 8 lakh dollars came through foreign banks.

The remittance flow has been increasing since October of last year, despite a decline at the beginning of the current fiscal year 2022–23, which continues until January. As remittances, the country received 169 crore 97 lakh dollars in December of the previous year, 159 crore 51 lakh dollars in November, and 152 crore 55 lakh dollars in October.