ঢাকামঙ্গলবার, ৪ঠা মার্চ, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ

The price of milk increased further

staff corespondent | ctgpost
আগস্ট ২৯, ২০২২ ৮:১৪ পূর্বাহ্ণ
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Liquid milk has increased from Tk 7 to Tk 10 per litre. The price of powdered milk has increased by Tk 50 per kg.
The price of milk in the country’s market increased again. Just as the marketing companies have increased the price of liquid milk again, the price of powdered milk has also increased.

After verifying the price written on the pasteurized fluid milk packets of three companies sold in the market, it was found that they have fixed the new price at Tk 90 to Tk 95 per litre. This price is 7 to 10 taka more than before. With this, the price of liquid milk has increased from Tk 20 to Tk 25 per liter in 4 months.On the other hand, the price of powdered milk has increased by Tk 50 per kg. Government agency Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB) estimates say that the price of powdered milk has increased by about 22 percent in a year. It should be noted that the new increased price of powdered milk has not come as per TCB. Added to that, the inflation rate for the year will be higher.

The increase in the price of milk is known by visiting the grocery stores in Karwan Bazar, Moghbazar, New Market, Kantaban, Kanthal Bagan and Green Road areas of the capital and talking to the sellers.

Amir Hossain, the owner of a grocery store called Bhai Bhai Store in Kantaban, told Prothom Alo that the price of milk has not only increased now, but the price has increased several times in four to five months.

liquid milk

Various companies including Milk Vita, Pran, Arang, Akiz are marketing pasteurized liquid milk in the market of the country.

After checking the market, it was found that the retail price of a liter of pasteurized liquid milk produced by Arang brand last Friday is Tk 95. The price has increased by Rs 7 per litre. Last May, the price of the same milk in the market was Tk 70.

When asked about the reason for the price increase, Arang informed Prothom Alo in a written statement that the production price of milk at the farm level and the price of various raw materials and packaging materials for milk production have increased. Arang has decided to increase the price of dairy products to accommodate this increased price.

Not only Arang, but other companies like Pran, Akiz have also increased the price of liquid milk. The price of liquid milk available in the market on Sunday was Tk 90 per liter. Akiz Group’s Farmfresh brand of milk is also priced at Rs 90 per litre.

Milk Vita, a government-run cooperative dairy company, has also proposed to increase the price of milk. The company wants to raise Rs 5 per liter of pasteurized liquid milk.

On condition of anonymity, a senior official of Milk Vita told Prothom Alo that a proposal to increase the price has been sent to the government. If the government decides, they will take initiative to implement it. He said, this price adjustment proposal has been given in view of the market reality.

Now Milk Vita’s price of one liter of milk is 85 taka, half a liter is 45 taka and 200 ml is 20 taka.
powdered milk

Now in the market, the price of one kg packet of Arla Foods milk powder is 850 rupees. Last June, the price was Rs 800 per kg.

Diploma brand milk powder is now priced at Tk 840 in the market, which was Tk 790 earlier.

Market shopkeepers say that the sales representatives of other companies have also informed that the price of powdered milk will be increased.

According to TCB, the price of powdered milk in the market is now Tk 690 to Tk 780 per kg depending on the brand, which was Tk 590 to Tk 670 a year ago.

Traders say that the price of milk powder is increasing in the world market. In addition, the cost of imports has increased due to the increase in the value of the dollar. It has to increase the price of milk.

Meanwhile, the rise in milk prices amid rising commodity prices further increased the expenditure of middle-class families. While buying milk from a shop in Malibagh yesterday, a man named Masudur Rahman told Prothom Alo that milk was once part of the daily diet in his family. Now only buy milk when cooking a special dish. He said that the purchase of rice and pulses cannot be reduced, so the purchase of milk has to be reduced.