ঢাকাবুধবার, ২৩শে অক্টোবর, ২০২৪ খ্রিস্টাব্দ

Poor’s ‘beef’ broiler has also increased by Tk 40 per kg

staff reporter | ctgpost
আগস্ট ১৩, ২০২২ ৯:৫৮ পূর্বাহ্ণ
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Md. Shahjahan, works in a furniture shop. 12 people live in a mess. Chicken is on the meat market list today. So Shahjahan came to the market with Kamrul Islam, another member of Mess. Their allocation for two kg chicken is 300 to 320 taka. But when they come to the store and hear the price of chicken, their eyes are on their foreheads.

Shahjahan told Dhaka Post, I am a common man. I work in a furniture store. I also directed ‘Bhai Bhai Mess’. 12 to 14 people eat there every day. I came to buy chicken today. According to calculations, 350 Tk is enough to buy three kg broiler chicken, but there is extra Tk 100-150. If this is the case to buy broiler, then how to do the rest of the market!He said, last week also bought broiler chicken for 160 taka. And today they want 200-220 taka. The price of all products including pepper and onion is increased. What else can I say about eggs? Buses and rickshaws, the fare is extra.

Expressing his anger and frustration, Shah Jahan said, I bring day, day eat. I get a salary of 500 rupees a day. My income does not match the market conditions. My attendance did not increase. Wages are what they were before. So where do we common people go? Government employees have no problem. When talking about raising wages, the financier replied, ‘The price is increasing only for you, it is also increasing for me! Who will listen to me?’

Not only Shahjahan, but most of the customers who come to the chicken shop in Oli Miertek Bou Bazar in West Sheorapara of the capital have the same opinion.

The price of broiler chicken in the market has increased by Tk 50 per kg in the last one week. Current price is 200 rupees. Not only broiler, Pakistani cockerel also increased in price. Last week also the price of Pakistani Coke was between Tk 245-250. Today it is selling at 270-275 Tk.

Ordinary consumers say the rich are getting richer. There is no room left for the middle class. The lower classes are driven further down. Everything is going out of bounds.

Khokon Sheikh has a hotel next to Bau Bazar. He was surprised when he came to buy chicken. On hearing the increased price, he was saying, ‘I understand that I have to leave the business’.

Referring to his disappointment, he told Dhaka Post that today broiler is 200, cock is 270/280 taka per kg. Earlier, even after buying a broiler for 150 taka, the hotel did not pet it. How to dress now? What will be the profit? It is not 40 taka per kg. Business is over. The state of having to get down the road. Either I will have to leave the hotel business, or continue in the system.How to proceed? When asked, he said, earlier, I sold 1.5 kg broiler chicken in 12 pieces for 60 taka. Now I can’t sell it at that price. Even if the price is increased again, sales will increase. So I will make 12 pieces into 24 pieces by reducing the pieces. The price should be reduced by selling it at 40 rupees instead of 60 rupees. There is no other way.

Akkas Ali butcher was selling beef next door. He told Dhaka Post that oil is everywhere. Pickup, car fares are increasing. So it takes extra money to buy cows. My purchase is 580 taka per kg. Selling beef for 680 taka including shop expenses is not acceptable. But it will not be sold even if it is increased. Trading is already low.

Alauddin, a private employee, is visiting the meat shop with his wife. Walking around the beef shop and standing in the chicken shop thinking.He said, guests have come to the house. It costs 700 taka to buy one kg of beef. I can’t buy it anymore. So I came to buy broiler. But look, the broiler is on fire! 200 taka per kg. 40/50 per kg has increased. We are poor people, getting nothing at a fair price. Everything costs extra. I feel helpless in my 16 thousand job.

Rakib, a chicken trader, also mentioned his frustration at the helplessness of the buyers and said, ‘At the end of the day, I am also a buyer. I also feel very bad about the extra cost. A week ago I asked for 150 taka per kg, today the broiler is 200! We are all hostages. None of us are getting the fair price. No one saw. Common people have no language, the poor are dying. If you like it, eat it, otherwise, bar the door and leave with your wife and children, the situation is like that.’

Mentioning that he is buying less chicken due to the increased price, this businessman said, ‘When I go to the market, I take money based on how many kg of goods I want to buy. But the rate is higher. How many car rentals are doubles in Jigail? I am also a buyer. Buy and sell. Earlier I used to buy more quantity, now I buy less because of the increased price.’